Friday, April 19, 2013

Orange County Commercial Plumbing

It has been 25 years now that I have been in the plumbing trade... that is what is considered a "full generation". I can tell you one thing .... a lot has surely changed over the years. The plumbing trade has seen some fantastic innovations and evolution as well as some very hurtful.

As I began my "apprenticeship" in this trade, I did not know it at the time but I started in the "Commercial Plumbing" sector. And as I look back, I sure am thankful.

Here at Splash Plumbing we have grown from a "little Mom and Pop" backflow testing company into a mid-sized commercial plumbing company servicing all of Orange County and Los Angeles, Ca. And again as I look back, I sure am thankful.

Don't get me wrong, residential service and repair is a HUGE part of our business ...BUT unfortunately one of the "hurtful" circumstances that has happened over the years in the residential market is that so many people have lowered their standards in the name of "saving a few dollars" to get a "cheap fix" in their home or rental property. With a "cheap fix" comes a "cheap plumber" that in my experience has proven to hurt not only the client by receiving sub-standard work but the "cheap plumber" hurts this sector by now setting a preconceived standard! OUCH.

Take commercial plumbing on the other hand. It has also been my experience that this sector DEMANDS techinical knowledge, professionalism, ability, equipment, higher insurance, communication and follow up! All of which requires a company to "be professional and qualified" from start to finish. This results in a company just like ours!

Surf over to Splash Plumbing to see what I am talking about or feel free to call us 24hours 7 days at:

North County 714-688-0804
South Couunty 949-642-7900
Everywher 877-HEY-SPLASH


Unknown said...

Man, it seems like being an emergency plumber would be a pretty intense job.

daphne said...

Wow I really learned a bunch! I love hearing about other plumbers. Especially ones in Orange County. Keep doing your thing!

Unknown said...

Really this blog is best..
Residential Plumbing

Plumbing said...

Informative post. I’ve never been this happy to find such an interesting post. Thanks for sharing this! I got some ideas now.

Unknown said...

I have always told my husband not to do plumbing my himself, because he has no idea what he is doing. Well, he went ahead and tried to fix the kitchen sink, and completely mad a huge mess. We had to shut the water off in the whole house, and don't dare to turn it back on until we get a plumber out here to fix what he destroyed.
Emily Merrell |