Thursday, February 25, 2010

Noritz vs. Navien; Round 2!

Well, at least I know that SOMEONE is reading some part of this blog!

I received an anonymous comment about the blog I posted (was it only yesterday?!) entitled "Noritz vs. Navien". The commenter was not happy with my blog.

He or she (it was anonymous, after all) told me that, for him (I will make this assumption), the site loaded right away. He also told me that Navien is located very near to us and that we obviously didn't know this (I am paraphrasing).

Let me say that we were not trying to offend, just report an experience that we had. If the person who commented would like to respond... what's the opposite of anonymously?

(I looked it up and the opposite of anonymous is identified.)

Anyway, if you will give me a place where I can e-mail you, or even call you, I will do so, and we can discuss this issue. I was only reporting an experience that we actually had, I was not saying that Navien stinks and Noritz is great.

I appreciate someone telling me what they think, pointing out when they disagree, etc. That's called conversation, and I enjoy it. If you wish to continue the discussion, either through commenting on this blog, or any other method, I would invite that.

I hope this came out friendly and inviting. I was not trying to chastise or insult in any way.

Take care!

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