Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Rebates from the State of California

Splash Plumbing has recently learned that you can now get a rebate from the state of California for installing high-efficiency fixtures in your home.

The rules are strict, and it is for a limited time, but here is the gist of it.

- You have to go to
- Click on “Rebates” at the top of the page
- Click on “Residential Water Customer Rebates”
- Click on “Qualifying Products” to see a list of products

We have included a link to this page here, for your convenience.

- You have to fill out the proper form
- You have to send in the form, the sales receipt, and a copy of your water bill
- You have to have it postmarked on or before 5/31/10
- Your purchase must have been made between 9/21/09 and 5/31/10

Some of the items that qualify are:
* High-efficiency clothes washers
* High-efficiency toilets
* Weather-based irrigation controllers
* Rotating irrigation sprinkler nozzles
* Synthetic turf

As a plumbing company, we will focus on the toilets.

Click this link to see the 18-page list of qualifying toilet models.

If you wish to buy it yourself, we can install it for you. Or, we can do all the work. Just contact us and we can buy it, bring it to you, and install it!

According to the website, rebates for toilets start at $50.00!

So, the benefits are:
- You save money on having a new toilet installed
- You save money on your water bill
- You have a brand new toilet that looks good and works well
- You have a brand new warranty!

The rebates are first come, first served, so don’t wait too long. As soon as they run out of the money they allocated to this program, they will no longer be paying rebates.

If you need a new toilet, or have any other plumbing needs, contact Splash Plumbing today! We service all of Orange County, 24-hours a day. We handle residential, commercial, industrial, and restaurant plumbing. We say:

"If Water Goes Through It, We Do It!"


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